Tuesday, 25 May 2010


Hartlepool magnesite. Film SLR. 2009. 


I saw this today, something for the collection. I guess.


So many foreign worlds
So relatively fucked
So ready for us
The creature fear

Monday, 24 May 2010


I saw this and enjoyed it, for a while

How awful.


How can man kill another, when most of us fear death?

Saturday, 22 May 2010


Latest and last project for my A level in Photography at CCAD. At the beginning photography always seems easy. But when I’m told 3 weeks before the end of the project to 'hone down my concepts' I felt as though maybe it wasn’t the easiest option. I chose measurement from a list of undoubtedly dull words. I wanted to look at the measurement within land space and its control however it somehow turned into a project about architecture and measurement within line. Perhaps that was the easy option.

Above: One of the successful ones.